

ハード・バンプ・シンドローム 〜「怪我」と「功名」〜








Colt: 君は鬱に悩まされていたことがあるよね。

(Colt: You have suffered from depression.)



(Nigel: Hmmm, still do.)


Colt: それはプロレスの影響?それとも実生活の影響?

(Colt: Via wrestling? Or via life?)


Nigel: うーん…実生活の影響もあるしプロレスの影響でもある…色々な問題が絡んでいるよ。実生活での人間関係は大きいかな。あとは脳震盪関係だね。外傷性脳損傷とか。頭部へのダメージと鬱には絶対に深い関係があると思うよ。フットボール選手、ボクシング選手…それにアイスホッケー選手にも鬱になる人は多いからね。

(Nigel:Uh… Via life… wrestling, lot of issues with depression. I think, yeah, lot of social factors that happened to me outside of wrestling. My personal life, and almost I think from lot of concussions and you know… brain traumas and stuff like that. There is a definite link between brain trauma and depression. You look at football players, boxing. Um… and even hockey guys, you know.)



Colt: 今ので、外傷性脳損傷の影響だと確信したよ。

(Colt: That probably started probably from the brain trauma.)


Nigel: そうだね。明らかだったね。

(Nigel: Yeah, that was it. There was a clear evidence.)


Colt: 今思うと…あのダニエル・ブライアンとのイギリスでの試合は絶対に関係があると思うんだ。

(Colt:You know… and I'm trying to think…. I mean, definitely the brain trauma from you and Dragon in England.)

Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Nigel McGuinness (c ...



Nigel: その試合について、よく指摘されることがあるんだが、それは違う。どれか一つのせいというわけではないんだ。

(N: You know, everyone always points that out. It's not. It's not one instance.)


Colt: 俺も自分のレスラー生活において過激なバンプ(受け身)を取った時のことを思い出して…まるで映画やカートゥーンの様に頭のダメージをカウントしたりする。

(Colt: I'm trying to think of points in my career where I'd remember being like… wow… you know like in a movie or cartoon almost… where it has tally of how many…)



(Nigel: Boink Boink )


Colt: まさにそれだよ。純粋にプロレスをしているだけで脳へのダメージが大きくなるのかな?それとも君のスタイルによるところが大きいのかな?

(Colt: Yeah. Chi-ching Chi-ching Chi-ching. But you think it's just the style or just doing it. Do you think it's the doing it or it's your style?)


Nigel: 僕のスタイルによるところもあるだろうね。あの同じスポット(事前に打ち合わせされた見せ場)を何度か他の試合でもやったことがある。あと頭突きもね。でもそれだけじゃない。ああいったクレイジーなスポットを経験したことのない選手でも、深刻な脳震盪のダメージを受ている選手はたくさんいる。普通のバンプを繰り返しているだけでダメージがあるんだ。バンプを取ると、頭蓋骨の中で脳が揺れる。それがキャリアにおいて2000回から3000回繰り返されるんだ。それで影響を受けないはずがない。それで、これは最近周りによく言っていることなんだけど… この影響の結果は、10,15年先にならないと分からないんだ。たとえば60年代や70年代の選手は古いボクシング用のリングで闘っていたために、車イス生活を余儀なくされている。80年代の選手は、不健康なライフスタイルのせいで亡くなっている。そういう意味で、僕たちの世代は将来…『ゾンビ』になっているんじゃないかと思うんだ。僕達は皆、将来、精神的な障害を抱えているんじゃないかな。

(Nigel: Partly the style. I did that "spot" a couple of other times as well. And the headbutts. But not just that. Because there are plenty of people in the business that have suffered tremendous, you know, concussion issues. And they never did crazy spots like that. And just from repeated bumps. When you take a bump, brain rowls around in your head, and you times that by 2000 or 3000 times in a career. And that's gonna have a effect. And really do I think that we're not gonna see the effects of this and you're gonna start to understand now why I have had this effect on people. But you know, I don't think we'll see the effects of this for another 10, 15 years to… where, generation of the 60s and 70s, they all end up in wheelchairs, because of the old boxing rings and the injuries and stuff. The 80s because of the lifestyle they all lived, they all died. I think our generation… we're gonna be “zombies”. I think we're all gonna be mentally defected by the time…)



(Colt: We're gonna have a generation… I just thought about it, this is your effect. I didn't think about this, and now I'm thinking, I guess our generation will… something will happen and we'll be a specific label. It's gonna be what… "mush-head". )



(Nigel: I mean… we'll see in about like 10 or 15 years where that happens to everybody.)



(Colt: Thanksfully, this is documented and you can become Dr.Nigel Mcguiness.)



(Nigel:Dribbling Dr.Nigel Mcguiness. And I won't be able to offer anything. I don't know. And we said this earlier. "No one gets out life alive." If you know what I mean, there are people who never take a bump in their life and get brain tumor and everything else like this. We're given one life you know, it's a tangible quality and we're free to do what we want to do with that. So you can't just go "ohhh wow me. I'm gonna be a vegetable." Because you know what, it's your choice and that's what you do. Did I know going in, and did I know during my career that perhaps I was gonna have the same long term damage? Probably not. And then again, let's say I did know. And what would I have done differently. Unless I hadn't done a lots of those spots or cut out a lot of stuff that was injuries to my head. Would I have had the same career? Would I have got the same push? Would I have got to the same position? I don't know.)


Colt: リングで同じような満足感を得られていたかというと、きっとそうじゃないだろうしね。やりたくもない下らないスポットをやらされて、自分がやりたいようにやれないでいたとしたら。観客から今受けているような反応は返って来ないだろうしね。目に浮かぶよ。

(Colt: Would you have felt as fulfilled inside the wrestling ring, probably not. I'm just doing these stupid spots that I don't wanna do or I'm not wrestling the way I want to wrestle. And I'm not getting the reaction. I could see that happening.)



(Nigel: Yeah.)




(Colt: Now, did you see what… the Young Bucks wrote something like that.)



(Nigel: Oh really? Is that recently?)



(Colt: Recently.)



(Nigel: I think that was my effect because I talked to them on the retirement tour.)



(Colt: Wow, there you go.)



(N: What did they say?)




(Colt: Well, they said like… It was about the chair shots. Everyone's screaming about Corino and Steen doing chair shots… and the Young Bucks were like "we take bumps" and… )



— ヤング・バックスの片割れであるニック・ジャクソンが、ネット上で騒がれている(頭部への)イス攻撃について、その危険性が通常のバック・バンプ(後ろ受身)を取ることと同等であるとTwitter上でつぶやきました:

“Dirt Sheet(プロレスのゴシップ誌全般)の記者が頭部へのイス攻撃について騒いでいるのを見るとおかしくて仕方ないよ。彼らはイス攻撃が頭部に危険だと言っているんだ。頭部に危険だって!?当たり前じゃないか。でも、それなら君達は通常バック・バンプについて心配した方がいいよ。マットへ着地すると、その形がどうであれ、ちょっとした交通事故並の衝撃が加わるんだ。俺達の頭がマットで弾むんだから、よっぽど危険なわけだ。じゃあ、バンプを取るのは辞めたほうがいいのか。俺に言わせれば、どちらも衝撃は同じくらいなんだ。どちらも体験したことがあるからこそ言える。それでも、イス攻撃で脳震盪を起こしたことは無いけどね。今までの脳震盪のほとんどがバンプによるものだったよ。プロレスは全てが危険なんだ。もし本当にプロレスラーの健康について考えているのなら、プロレスごと禁止するべきだよ。”

(- Nick Jackson of the Young Bucks recently posted to his Twitter account about the internet's outrage over unprotected chair shots and saying that they're just as dangerous as taking a standard back bump: "It's funny how everyone on the dirt sheets get so mad about unprotected chair shots. They say its to dangerous to the head. It's to dangerous to the head?! Obviously. But if you guys were so worried you should be more worried about a normal back bump. Falling on the mat from any type of impact is like a small car crash. R heads bounce from the mat and it's extremely more dangerous. Should we stop taking back bumps than? In my opinion it's the same impact to the head. I should know because I've taken both before. But I've never gotten a concussion from chair shots. They've mostly been from bumps on the ring mat. Everything in wrestling is dangerous. If ppl were really concerned about us wrestlers health, than wrestling all together would be banned.")




元記事:<The Young Bucks Defend Unprotected Chair Shots, ROH>


Colt:…ということを書いていたんだ。こういう他人からの影響が見られるのは嬉しいことだよ。これもきっと君に影響されて書いたことだろうし。それで、この件に関してアルヴァレズ(格闘技サイトFigure Four Dailyの編集者)かメルツァー(WrestlingObserver等の編集者)が『なんて馬鹿なこと』を言ってるんだと批判を加えたんだ。文字通り『馬鹿』にしたんだ。これも度々話題に上がることで、いわゆる『暗黙の了解』だったり『口に出さない方がいいこと』の一つとして認識されてることだと思うんだけど… 俺のポッドキャストだから好きに言うよ。あれを『馬鹿なこと』だと言うなんてどうかしてるよ。とても貴重な証言だ。


(Colt: I love how you see the influence from people and this was probably from you. And I think this was may be Alvarez… or Meltzer who wrote up and like… they have the online thing it's where they do the little report every week and they're like "what an idioit" They said "what an idiot" to that statement that the Young Bucks made. That's kind of what we talked about before "something you just shut your mouth on. You don't go in a verbal…" But, this is my platform, so I can do what I want. How can you say that's the dumbest thing ever? It's a very valuable…)



(Nigel: Absolutely.)



Colt: 君の意見には賛成だし、彼らがこの件について批判されていたことに腹が立っていたんだ。まあ、ただでさえ彼らは最近批判されてることが多いけどね。

(Colt: I just agree with you and I was upset that they were kind of chastised for it. But they have been chastised for everything lately.)



(Nigel: They've got tons of heat for various different things and various different people. And I don't think they're too bothered about it.)



(Colt: Which is a great attitude.)



(Nigel: Fantastic attitude. )





<The last of McGuinessを見る>